Thursday, April 30, 2009

Creating the Ajax Enabled Website using JQUERY

In this article,we will see how to create Ajax Enabled WCF service using Jquery..

The easiest way to create Ajax Enable WCF service is to use Ajax Enabled WCF service templete in visual studio..

Let us go through Example step by step...

Step1:Create an ASP.NET 3.5 Website

Step2:Right click the project>Add New Item>Choose Ajax Enabled WCF Service>name the service as Demo..

Step3:As you see the Demo.cs is added to App_Code.. When you open the Demo.cs by default it is created like this

[ServiceContract(Namespace = "wcfDemo")]
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]

Step4: Add the new method called getdata(int value)

Step5: Open Default.aspx page, In that add Scriptmanager from the toolbox and give its path..

Step6:Now add Html Button and Textbox inside the

Step7: Drag and Drop the Jquery script below

Step8: Now lets create the jquery script

Step9: As we used the datatype as json in jquery script so we need to add these line below the [OperationContract]

I hope you people like this application..

Monday, April 20, 2009

Setting the Maxlength in multiline textbox using javascript

This article is very useful when writing comments on your website.. There it will specify you to enter 100 character,200 characters something like that.. Lets Go through this article step by step..


Go to visual studio>add new website(C# or vb)..


Next is to add the textbox and label on your page.. set the TextMode of textbox to multiline,set the MaxLength to 100 and write the event as onKeyUp="javascript:charcount("

After adding the page looks like this..


Write the script tag below the head as

I hope you people like this article..

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Prevent the User from selecting a Date Earlier than today

In this article i am using Calender extender to solve my problem easily..

I wil explain you step by step

open visual studio>click on File >New Website> choose your programming language (c# or vb)> Name the website>Choose your location..

Drag and drop the scriptmanger in your page..
the page looks like this

Drag and drop the standard TextBox and Calender Extender.. Configure the calender Extender by giving the TargetControlID="TextBox1" and set OnClientDateSelectionChanged="checkdate".. we are using OnClientDateSelectionChanged to write the javascript to prevent the user from selecting a date earlier than today..

the page looks like this..

Now lets write the javascript

I hope you people like this application.Its easy to implement and very useful..

Monday, April 13, 2009

How to block a particular I.P. from accessing your site using HttpModule

This sample can be used to block a particular ipaddress from accessing resources on your website.We can retrieve information regarding client browser and client machine by making use of the Request object.Asp.Net uses a series of modules to get the work done for you.For a list of available modules in ASP.Net you can refer machine.config file present in %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CONFIG folder.You can either use these modules or can create your custom module for the same.

An HttpModule is an assembly that implements the IHttpModule interface and handles events. ASP.NET includes a set of HttpModules that can be used by your application.. For example, the SessionStateModule is provided by ASP.NET to supply session state services to an application. Custom HttpModules can be created to respond to either ASP.NET events or user events..

The general process for writing an HttpModule is:

Implement the IHttpModule interface.
Handle the Init method and register for the events you need.
Handle the events.
Optionally implement the Dispose method if you have to do cleanup.
Register the module in Web.config.

Namespace for Httpmodule is: System.Web
Let us go through the example step by step.. Step1: open visual studio> File > New > Website > chose ur language as c# as we are using in tour application> Select the location> Name the website Step2: Right click and add new item, select class and rename it as ipaddress.cs.. step3:

step 4:
Add these following lines in your code..

Type Your own ipaddress in ipadd to check the application...

step5: Adding Httpmodules in your Web.Config Type should be in namespace.classname format..

I hope you people like this application...